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Playground One


Hello dear Playground One fan. Nice that you found the documentation.

Ultra fast and slim playground in the clouds designed for educational and demoing purposes.


Playground Ones main purpose is to act as a learning platform and demo environment while ensuring a reproducible experience. Playground One itself is containerized and uses Terraform to manage the cloud lifecycle using an easy-to-use command line interface. It integrates with various services such as container clusters, virtual instances, storage, but also with the corresponding Vision One services and endpoints. Among other things, you can gain experience and present Vision One Container Security, File Security, XDR, ASRM, Operations, Server & Workload Protection, and APIs in real environments.

Playground One includes scenarios and walkthroughs to help you expand your knowledge of cloud security. So if you've ever wanted to experiment with ECS security, run container image scans with GitHub Actions, use EKS with Fargate, do some nasty things, or drive successful demos, go and play with Playground One.

In a nutshell:

  • Bootstrapping directly from the clouds.
curl -fsSL | bash
  • Playground One is containerized and supports any arm64 or amd64 based container engine.
  • Alternatively, you can install natively on your system.
  • Management of the environment with the help of an easy to use command line interface pgo.
  • Based on Terraform >1.6

Under construction!

The Playground One is continuously under construction! The capabilities and contents are therefore to be enjoyed with caution and can change at any time.


The Playground One is designed to work on these platforms:

Playground One Container:

  • Container engine hosted either on arm64 or amd64.
  • Tested with Docker and Colima on Ubuntu, Cloud9, MacOS Intel and Apple Silicon.

Playground One native installation:

  • Ubuntu Bionic and newer.
  • Intel and M1+ MacOS.

System Health


Component Operational Known Issues Vision One
Network Yes See 1) Service Gateway
Identity Security
Virtual Network Sensor
Deep Discovery Inspector
Instances Yes None Server & Workload Protection
Service Gateway
Identity Security
Virtual Network Sensor
Deep Discovery Inspector
EKS EC2 Yes None Container Security
OAT&WB Generation
Terraform Provider
EKS Fargate Yes None Container Security
OAT&WB Generation
Terraform Provider
ECS EC2 Yes See 2) Container Security
ECS Fargate Yes See 3) Container Security
Bucket Scanner Yes FSS SDK
Scenarios CloudTrail Yes CloudTrail
Scenarios CSPM Yes CSPM
Scenarios Identity Yes Identity Security
Scenarios Zero Trust Yes Zero Trust
Private Access Gateway
Deep Security Yes None Deep Security Integration & Migration
Server & Workload Protection
Workload Security Yes None Workload Security Integration & Migration
Server & Workload Protection

1) In addition to the network itself the following services can be enabled: Active Directory, AWS Managed Active Directory, Service Gateway, Virtual Network Sensor, and Deep Discovery Inspector. The Active Directories are pretty basic but support SSL. They will support additional scenarios with Identity Security, Data Security, and more.

2) Deleting the cluster requires the deactivation runtime scanning and runtime security before destroying the cluster. If destroy process module.ecs-ec2[0].module.ecs_service.aws_ecs_service.this[0]: Still destroying... hangs for a couple of minutes manually terminate the autoscaling group pgo4-ecs-ec2-asg-spot-... in AWS.

3) Activating Runtime Security requires some manual steps, see documentation. Deleting the cluster requires the deactivation of runtime scanning and runtime security before destroying the cluster. Newly created task definitions must be removed manually.


Component Operational Known Issues Vision One Cloud Security
AKS Yes None Container Security


Component Operational Known Issues Vision One Cloud Security
TMAS Yes None Artifact Scanning for Vulnerabilities and Malware
TMFS Yes None File and Directory Scanning for Malware
Kind Kubernetes Yes Only native

CLI Commands of the Playground

Besides the obvious cli tools like kubectl, etc. the Playground offers you additional commands shown in the table below (and more):

Area Command Function
PGO pgo The command line interface for Playground One.
PGO pgoc Starts, stops or updates the Playground One Container.
PGO pgos Starts a new bash with AWS credentials of PGO User.
PGO dsm Start or stop a deployed Deep Security.
Kubernetes kubie See
Kubernetes stern Tail logs from multiple pods simultaneously.
Kubernetes k9s See
Kubernetes k8s-ns-finalizer Removes finalizer from namespace. Helpful when a namespace cannot be destroyed.
Kubernetes k8s-list-images Lists and counts all unique images by namespace currently in use.
Vision One tmcli-update Update TMAS and TMFS to the latest version.
Vision One ecsfg-add-v1cs Patches ECS Fargate Task to activate Container Security.
Vision One collect-logs Collects logs and configuration of Container Security. Usage: RELEASE=container-security collect-logs.
AWS aws-cleanup-policies Removes unattached policies of your PGO environment.
Vulnerabilities syft See
Vulnerabilities grype See

Change Log


  • Introduced Sandbox Analysis with Bucket Scanner.
  • Introducing PGOWeb for eks-ec2 and kind clusters.
  • Fixed MetalLB and Contour on Kind cluster.


  • Introduced Kubernetes Metrics Server for EKS EC2 (kubectl top pods...).
  • Added support for Vision One Container Security Policy Operator.
  • New tools for C1 Conformita and Vision One Posture Management added.



  • Bump Kubernetes on AWS to 1.31
  • Upgrade Vision One Terraform provider to 1.0.4
  • Enable Runtime Malware Scanning in V1CS



  • New integration: Deep Discovery Inspector



  • New scenario: Zero Trust Access - Lab



  • Kind cluster now uses Terraform Provider for Container Security



  • Update FSS SDK and improve Bucket Scanner Lambda sample



  • Fix pgoc on arm64
  • Update documentation for PGO user initial setup
  • Update default group_id for Container Security on EKS clusters



  • Added support for Vision One Virtual Network Sensor. If enabled the Virtual Network Sensor is deployed into the PGO VPC. The PGO Active Directory and PGO instances will mirror their traffic to the data port of VNS. Requires the VNS Token from Vision One UI.
  • Added support for Istio on EKS EC2.
  • New Scenarios:
  • XDR -> Detection Model Exceptions for Container Security.
  • Endpoint Security -> Deep Security -> Integrate Deep Security with Vision One and Demo Benefits.
  • Cloud Security -> Container Security -> EKS -> Playing with Istio Service Mesh.
  • You can now choose the OS SKU for the nodes in the AKS Cluster. It defaults to AzureLinux.
  • The EKS cluster deployment of V1 Container Security now supports group_id using the Terraform Provider.
  • The pgo command now checks if your local IP has changed and needs and update.





  • The network configuration can now optionally create an Active Directory (the PGO-style) within the VPC. Plan is to support Identity Security scenarios in the future. This is cheaper than the AWS Managed Active Directory.



  • The network configuration can now optionally create an AWS Managed Active Directory within the VPC. Plan is to support Identity Security scenarios in the future.
  • The same configuration can now optionally deploy a Vision One Service Gateway to the public subnet.


  • The deployment of Vision Container Security did use an incorrect API call when creating the cluster. Instead of resourceId the key arn from the old beta API was used.




  • Kind cluster now supports Workbench and OAT generation



  • Migrated V1CS api to v3.0.



  • Bump EKS module to version 20.8.5
  • Reworked IAM for EKS-EC2 to not use am AWS admin account. Proper access permissions implemented. Minor IAM changes in EKS-FG.

0.2.8 (04/19/2024)


  • Resize file system now detects root volume device name.

0.2.7 (04/04/2024)


  • Fix in pgo cli to support Vision One Regions.
  • Azure App Gateway functional with Java-Goof app of scenarios.

0.2.6 (04/03/2024)


  • Various fixes and compatibility changes for Product Experience and Deep Security Migration Scenario.
  • Playground One now supports all Vision One Regions when interacting with the REST API.
  • App Gateway now functional on AKS cluster. Ingress for Scenarios to be done.


  • Bump version of DSM to 20.0.893

0.2.5 (03/21/2024)

Playground One is now included in Trend Micro Product Experience.


  • Enabled EC2 Instance Connect via Console to EC2 instances for some regions. See FAQ.
  • Playground One is now able to run on Trend Micro Platform Experience. Ensure to enable it in the configuration.
  • Deep Security now has SOAP API enabled.
  • Upgraded Deep Security Manager and Agents to versions as of 03/18/2023.
  • Added dryrun capability for apply and destroy in CLI.

0.2.4 (03/13/2024)


  • The preparation for potential attack path detections with ASRM can now be enabled or disabled via the config tool.
  • IAM User Potential Attack Path with a new scenario.

0.2.3 Fix release (03/08/2024)


  • Corrected lock handling on network.

0.2.2 (03/07/2024)


  • ecsfg-add-v1cs does now work within the Playground One Container.


  • AWS and Azure now use the same environment name.
  • Local Kind cluster now supports load balancing and ingress controller based on Contour-Envoy.

0.2.1 Fix release (02/27/2024)


  • The implementation of a proper Vision One Container Security life-cycle broke the deployment since the DELETE api_call was fired too early.


  • Simple S3 Bucket scanner now part of Playground One. This includes a dedicated scenario.
  • Improved handling of public IPs in configflow when running on Cloud9.
  • Any existing Azure credentials will now be made available within the container.

0.2 Maintenance release (02/20/2024)


  • Vision One Container Security gets unregistered from Vision One on cluster destroy.
  • Cluster deployments are now correctly destroyed in the correct order.
  • Allow docker client to work with docker.sock on Cloud9


0.1 Initial release (02/06/2024)


This is an Open Source community project. Project contributors may be able to help, depending on their time and availability. Please be specific about what you're trying to do, your system, and steps to reproduce the problem.

For bug reports or feature requests, please open an issue. You are welcome to contribute.

Official support from Trend Micro is not available. Individual contributors may be Trend Micro employees, but are not official support.


I do accept contributions from the community. To submit changes:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new feature branch.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Submit a pull request with an explanation of your changes or additions.

I will review and work with you to release the code.