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Getting Started Configuration

Playground One is controlled by the command line interface pgo.

Use it to interact with the Playground One by running


from anywhere in your terminal.

Note: If pgo is not found create a new shell to load the environment or run . ~/.bashrc.

Getting Help


pgo --help
 __                 __   __   __             __      __        ___ 
|__) |     /\  \ / / _` |__) /  \ |  | |\ | |  \    /  \ |\ | |__  
|    |___ /~~\  |  \__> |  \ \__/ \__/ | \| |__/    \__/ | \| |___ 

Usage: pgo -<command> <configuration> ...

The available commands for execution are listed below.
The primary workflow commands are given first, followed by
less common or more advanced commands.

Main commands:
  -c --config    Set/update Playground One main configuration
  -i --init      Prepare a configuration for other commands
  -a --apply     Create or update a configuration
  -l --list      List applied configurations
  -d --destroy   Destroy previously-created configuration
  -o --output    Show output values
  -s --state     Show the current state
  -E --erase     Cleanup Terraform state
  -h --help      Show this help

Other commands:
  -S --show      Show advanced state
  -u --updateip  Update access IP(s)
  -U --update    Update Playground One and components
  -v --validate  Check whether the configuration is valid
  -p --plan      Plan apply and destroy

Available configurations:
  user                PGO User configuration
  nw                  Network configuration
  ec2                 EC2 configuration
  eks-ec2             EKS configuration
  eks-fg              EKS configuration
  ecs-ec2             ECS configuration
  ecs-fg              ECS configuration
  bucketscanner       S3 Bucket scanner
  kind                Kind configuration
  scenarios-ec2       Scenario configuration
  scenarios-fg        Scenario configuration
  scenarios-cspm      Scenario configuration
  scenarios-identity  Scenario configuration
  scenarios-kind      Scenario configuration
  scenarios-aks       Scenario configuration
  dsm                 Deep Security configuration
  dsw                 Deep Security Workload configuration
  aks                 AKS configuration
  all                 All configurations

  pgo --apply nw
  pgo --state all


Note: When using AWS you need to know your Account ID, for Azure you need your Subscription ID. Get these IDs using the following commands:

aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account'

az account list | jq -r '.[] | [.name, .id] | @tsv'

If you intent to use the Playground One user on AWS run the following commands now:

pgo --init user
pgo --apply user

This will create a user account in AWS with the necessary permissions only. The credetials are automatically set in the config.yaml.

After bootstrapping you need to configure Playground One. To simplify the process use the built in configuration tool. An already existing config.yaml will be saved as config.yaml.bak. Run

pgo --config

This process will create or update your personal config.yaml. Existing settings will be shown in square brackets. To accept them just press enter.

The configuration tool is devided into sections. The following chapters walk you through the process.

Section: Playground One

You don't necessarily need to change anything here if you're satisfied with the defaults, but

Note: It is highly recommended to change the Access IPs/CIDRs to (a) single IP(s) or at least a small CIDR to prevent anonymous users playing with your environmnent. Remember: we might deploy vulnerable applications.


  • Initialize Terraform Configurations: Set this to true if you want to download the required Terraform providers. You need to do this on a new installation of Playground One at least once. If you want to reconfigure Playground One later on you can set it to false, which will speed up the reconfiguration process.
  • PGO Environment Name: Your to be built environment name. It MUST NOT be longer than 12 characters.
  • Access IPs/CIDRs:
  • If you're running on a local Ubuntu server or are using Playground One Container locally (not on Cloud9), get your public IP and set the value to <YOUR IP>/32 or type pub and let the config tool detect your public IP.
  • If you're working on a Cloud9 you need to enter a second public IP/CIDRs.
    1. Public IP from your Cloud9 or type pub.
    2. Public IP from your local client.
  • If you want someone else grant access to your environment just add another IP/CIDR.
  • Examples:
    • pub
    • pub,
    • Dangerous!
  • Running in Product Experience: Leave this to false unless you're running Playground One inside the Product Experience Platform.

If your IP address has changed see FAQ.

Section: AWS

Note: This section is skipped when you have any configuration applied.


  • Account ID: The ID of your AWS subscription (just numbers no -). This is mandatory.
  • Region Name: If you want to use another region as eu-central-1.
  • Use PGO User: The Playground One has the ability to create and use a dedicated AWS user with limited privileges. If you want to use this feature you need to run pgo --apply user after you have finished the configuration of the Playground One. This will then create a User within a Group with several IAM policies attached.
  • AD - create PGO Active Directory: Enable/disable deployment of an Active Directory. This AD is more flexible compared to the AWS Managed Active Directory below.
  • MAD - create Managed Active Directory: Enable/disable deployment of an AWS Managed Active Directory.
  • SG - create Service Gateway: Enable/disable deployment of the Trend Micro Service Gateway.
  • PAC - create Private Access Gateway: Enable/disable deployment of the Trend Micro Private Access Gateway.
  • VNS - create Virtual Network Sensor: Enable/disable deployment of the Trend Micro Virtual Network Sensor.
  • DDI - create Deep Discovery Inspector: Enable/disable deployment of the Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector.

Section: Azure


  • Azure Subscription ID: The ID of your Azure subscription. This is mandatory.
  • Azure Region Name: If you want to use another region as westeurope.

Section: Vision One Configuration


  • Vision One API Key: Your Vision One API Key.
  • Vision One Region Name: Your Vision One Region.
  • Vision One ASRM - create Potential Attack Path(s): Create potential attack path detections for ASRM.
  • Enable Vision One Container Security: Enable or disable the Container Security deployment. If set to false Cloud One configuration will be skipped.
  • Vision One Container Security Policy Name: The name of the Policy to assign.
  • Vision One Container Security Cluster Group ID: The Cluster Group ID to go.

Section: Kubernetes Deployments


  • Deploy Calico: Enable/disable the most used Pod network on your EKS cluster. It's currently disabled by default but will come shortly
  • Deploy Prometheus & Grafana: Enable/disable Prometheus. It is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit integrated with a preconfigured Grafana.
  • Deploy Trivy: Enable/disable Trivy vulnerability scanning for comparison.
  • Deploy Istio: Enable/disable for EKS EC2.
  • Deploy MetalLB: Enable/disable MetalLB for Kind cluster.

Section: Deep Security (on-prem)


  • Enable Deep Security: Enable or disable the Deep Security deployment. If set to false Deep Security configuration will be skipped.
  • Deep Security License: Your Deep Security license key.
  • Deep Security Username: Username of the MasterAdmin.
  • Deep Security Password: Password of the MasterAdmin.

Section: Workload Security


  • Enable Workload Security: Enable or disable the Deep Security deployment. If set to false Deep Security configuration will be skipped.
  • Region: Your Workload Security Cloud One Region.
  • Tenant ID: Workload Security Tenant ID.
  • Token: Workload Security Token.
  • API Key: Workload Security API Key.

Now, continue with the chapter General Life-Cycle.