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General Life-Cycle


Initialize with

pgo --init all

This will prepare all available configurations. No changes done in the clouds yet.

If you have changed Playground Ones main configuration using pgo --config or updated it via git pull please rerun pgo --init all again to apply eventual changes to the configurations.

Create the AWS Environment (Examples)

  1. To create the VPC and Network run

    pgo --apply network

    This will create your VPC and network in the configured region (see config.yaml)

  2. If you want your EC2 instances to be connected to Vision One Endpoint Security head over to Vision One Endpoint Security Server & Workload Protection and come back afterwards.

  3. Create Virtual Instances and/or Kubernetes Clusters with demo workload.

    EC2 instances:

    pgo --apply instances

    EKS EC2 cluster:

    pgo --apply eks-ec2

    Note: If you're using the PGO user, you'll need to run pgos after building the cluster to get access to it for using `kubectl' commands. This will create a new shell with that user's credentials.

    EKS Fargate cluster:

    pgo --apply eks-fg

    Note: If you're using the PGO user, you'll need to run pgos after building the cluster to get access to it for using `kubectl' commands. This will create a new shell with that user's credentials.

    ECS EC2 cluster:

    pgo --apply ecs-ec2

    ECS Fargate cluster:

    pgo --apply ecs-fg


Create the Azure Environment

  1. Create Kubernetes Cluster with demo workload.

    AKS cluster:

    pgo --apply aks

Query Outputs and State

The most relevant information on your configuration can be queried by running

pgo --output <configuration>

Example: pgo --output network:

ad_admin_password = <sensitive>
ad_ca_ip = ""
ad_dc_ip = ""
ad_dc_pip = ""
ad_domain_admin = "Administrator"
ad_domain_name = "pgo-zt.local"
database_subnet_group = "pgo-zt-vpc"
database_subnets = [
intra_subnet_cidr_blocks = tolist([
intra_subnets = [
key_name = "pgo-zt-key-pair-fuhp9d81"
nat_ip = ""
private_key_path = "/home/markus/projects/opensource/playground/playground-one/pgo-zt-key-pair-fuhp9d81.pem"
private_security_group_id = "sg-09685580098cdbbbb"
private_subnet_cidr_blocks = tolist([
private_subnets = [
public_key = "ssh-rsa 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"
public_security_group_id = "sg-0450bc4f9b8b6df27"
public_subnet_cidr_blocks = tolist([
public_subnets = [
sg_ami = "ami-076cc3a0b6e31d873"
sg_va_ip = ""
sg_va_ssh = "ssh -i /home/markus/projects/opensource/playground/playground-one/pgo-zt-key-pair-fuhp9d81.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no admin@"
vpc_id = "vpc-09af1cf0b47603e9e"
vpc_owner_id = "634503960501"
ad_admin_password = TrendMicro.1

With this you can always query details of your VPC.

Play with the Playground One

It's a playground, or? Experiment and hopefully learn a few things. For your guidance, there are some prepared scenarios for you to go through. Find them in the navigation pane.

Switch in between multiple Kubernetes Clusters

If you're using multiple clusters simultaneously you can easily switch in between the clusters using the command kubie.

Main commands:

  • kubie ctx display a selectable menu of contexts or directly spawns a shell if there is only one context available.
  • kubie ctx <context> switch the current shell to the given context (spawns a shell if not a kubie shell).
  • kubie ctx - switch back to the previous context
  • kubie ns display a selectable menu of namespaces
  • kubie ns <namespace> switch the current shell to the given namespace
  • kubie ns - switch back to the previous namespace

Exit a context by pressing ^d.

Full list of kubie commands here.

Tear Down

If you want to destroy your environment completely or only parts of it

pgo --destroy <configuration>

If you want to tear down everything run

pgo --destroy all

Note: The network and VPC are not automatically destroyed. You can do this manually by running pgo --destroy nw. Be sure to have the CloudFormation stack of XDR for Containers deleted before doing so. Otherwise it will be in a failed (blackhole) state.