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Playground One AWS Configurations

The Playground One has a modular structure as shown in the following tree:

├── network (2-network)
|   ├── ec2 (3-instances)
|   ├── eks (4-cluster-eks-ec2)
|   |   ├── eks-deployments (8-cluster-eks-ec2-deployments)
|   |   └── scenarios-ec2 (7-scenarios-ec2)
|   ├── eks (4-cluster-eks-fargate)
|   |   ├── eks-deployments (8-cluster-eks-fargate-deployments)
|   |   └── scenarios-fargate (7-scenarios-fargate)
|   ├── ecs (5-cluster-ecs-ec2)
|   ├── ecs (5-cluster-ecs-fargate)
|   ├── scenarios-cloudtrail (7-scenarios-cloudtrail)
|   ├── scenarios-identity (7-scenarios-identity)
|   └── scenarios-zerotrust (7-scenarios-zerotrust)
├── bucketscanner (6-bucket-scanner)
├── scenarios-cspm (7-scenarios-cspm)
├── dsm (9-deep-security)
|   └── dsw (9-deep-security-workload)
└── wsw (9-workload-security-workload)

As we can see, the configuration network is the base for the other configurations. It creates the VPC, Subnets, Route Tables, Security Groups, etc. One can choose to only create the EKS cluster, or ECS cluster, or even the full stack. Everything will reside in the same VPC.

The following chapters describe the different configurations on a high level, refer the the dedicated documentation for more details.

Virtual Private Cloud and Network

Configuration located in awsone/2-network

This configuration defines a network with the most commonly used architecture, private and public subnets accross three availability zones. It includes everything what a VPC should have, this is amongst others an internet gateway, NAT gateway, security groups, etc. Since a VPC is cheap there's no real need to destroy the networking configuration everyday, just leave it as it is and reuse it the next time. This eases the handling of other components.

In addition to networking, the following core services are optional:

  • Active Directory including a Certificate Authority: An AD the PGO way based on cheap t3.medium instances.
  • AWS Managed Active Directory: The AWS native variant. This is more on the expensive side (USD 96.48/mo).
  • Trend Service Gateway. The configured and recommended instance type c5.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 16GiB, 10 Gigabit) is 0.388 USD/h, just to note.

Virtual Instances

Configuration located in awsone/3-instances

Depends on awsone/2-network

Basically, a couple of EC2 instances are created with this configuration. One of the linux instances can be used to demo a potential attack path to RDS, if enabled.

You can set the number of created instances within the awsone/3-instances/

# Number of instances and Vision One Deployment here
variable "linux_db_count" {
  type = number
  default = 1

variable "linux_web_count" {
  type = number
  default = 1

variable "windows_count" {
  type = number
  default = 1

If you store the Vision One Endpoint Security agent installers in awsone/0-files, the instances can optionally connect to Vision One. This is only supported for Server and Workload Protection and the Endpoint Sensor (Basecamp). You must first download your installers from your Vision One instance!

If you have agent_deploy enabled, the agents will deploy automatically using AWS Systems Manager. If you want to take out the deployment yourself, set the variable to false.

After the instances have been created you can head over to AWS Systems Manager --> Documents --> Owned by me. Either choose TrendMicroServerAgentLinuxDeploy or TrendMicroServerAgentWindowsDeploy and press [Run command]. Either select a specific instance or select instances by Tags.

You can optionally drop any file or installer in the 0-files directory which will then be available in the ec2 instances download folder.

EKS EC2 Cluster

Configuration located in awsone/4-cluster-eks-ec2

Deployments Configuration located in awsone/8-cluster-ec2-deployments

Scenario Configuration located in awsone/7-scenarios-ec2

Depends on awsone/2-network

So, this is my favorite part. This configuration creates an EKS cluster with some nice key features:

  • Autoscaling from 1 to 10 nodes
  • Nodes running as Spot instances to save money :-)
  • ALB Load Balancer controller
  • Kubernetes Autoscaler
  • Cluster is located in the private subnets

Automated attacks are running every full hour when scenarios are deployed.

EKS Fargate Cluster

Configuration located in awsone/4-cluster-eks-fargate

Deployments Configuration located in awsone/8-cluster-fargate-deployments

Scenario Configuration located in awsone/7-scenarios-fargate

Depends on awsone/2-network

This configuration creates a Fargate EKS cluster with some nice key features:

  • Fargate Profiles
  • Nodes running as Spot instances to save money :-)
  • An additional AWS managed node group
  • Cluster is located in the private subnets

Automated attacks are running every full hour when scenarios are deployed.

ECS EC2 Cluster

Configuration located in awsone/5-cluster-ecs-ec2

Depends on awsone/2-network

Here we're building an ECS cluster using EC2 instances. Key features:

  • Autoscaling group for spot instances. On-demand autoscaler can be enabled in Terraform script.
  • ALB Load Balancer
  • Automatic deployment of a vulnerable service (Java-Goof)

ECS Fargate Cluster

Configuration located in awsone/5-cluster-ecs-fargate

Depends on awsone/2-network

Here we're building an ECS cluster using Fargate profile. Key features:

  • Fargate profile with spot instances. Fargate with on-demand instances can be enabled in Terraform script.
  • ALB Load Balancer
  • Automatic deployment of a vulnerable service (Java-Goof)

You need to activate Container Security by running the supplied script ecsfg-add-v1cs <CLUSTER NAME> after enabling it within the Vision One console.

Scenarios CloudTrail

Automated malicious actions are executed on running this scenario which lead to detections in Observed Attack Techniques and the generation of Workbenches.

Scenarios Identity

This scenario is currently very simple. It simply populates Active Directory with some users and groups to allow Identity Security to discover these entities. More to come.

Scenarios Zero Trust Access

This scenario prepares an environment to play with Vision One Zero Trust Secure Access in AWS. It includes the following assets:

  • Microsoft Windows Domain including a Certification Authority
  • A Windows Server standalone
  • A Windows Member Server
  • A Linux host running a dockerized web application
  • Vision One Service Gateway including Active Directory integration
  • Vision One Private Access Gateway

S3 Bucket Scanner

Configuration located in awsone/6-bucket-scanner

Simple S3 Bucket scanner using the File Security Python SDK within a Lambda Function. Scan results will show up on the Vision One console.

Scenarios Cloud Security Posture Management

Creates an S3 bucket with some misconfigurations for Posture Management to detect.

Deep Security

Configuration located in awsone/9-deep-security and awsone/9-deep-security-workload

This configuration is to simulate an on-premise Deep Security environment meant to be used in integration and migration scenarios. For simulation purposes it creates a dedicated VPC with the most commonly used architecture, private and public subnets accross two availability zones. It includes everything what a VPC should have, this is amongst others an internet gateway, NAT gateway, security groups, etc.

The workload configuration creates a demo configuration for Deep Security and two custom policies. Two linux and one windows instances are created and activated with Deep Security. Some minutes after instance creation the activated computers will run a recommendation scan.

Check the Scenarios section to see available integration and migration scenarios.

Workload Security

The workload configuration creates a demo configuration for Workload Security and two custom policies. Linux and one windows instances are created and activated with Workload Security. Some minutes after instance creation the activated computers will run a recommendation scan.

Check the Scenarios section to see available integration and migration scenarios.

Instance Types in Use as of 06/20/24

Region: eu-central-1

Instance name On-Demand hourly rate vCPU Memory Storage Network performance Configuration
t2.micro $0.0134 1 1 GiB EBS Only Low to Moderate Deep Security Bastion
t3.medium $0.048 2 4 GiB EBS Only Up to 5 Gigabit Various
t3.xlarge $0.192 4 16 GiB EBS Only Up to 5 Gigabit Deep Security Manager
c5.2xlarge $0.388 8 16 GiB EBS Only Up to 10 Gigabit Service Gateway