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Scenario: Container Image Scanning for Vulnerabilities, Malware, and Secrets


  • Vision One Container Security Artifact Scanner API-Key with the following permissions:
    • Cloud Security Operations
      • Container Protection
        • Run artifact scan

Ensure to have the latest tmas deployed:


Scan Images for Vulnerabilities, Malware, and Secrets

First, set the Artifact Scanner API-Key as an environment variable:


Note: tmas defaults to the Vision One service region us-east-1. If your Vision One is serviced from any other region you need to add the --region flag to the scan request.

Valid regions: [ap-southeast-2 eu-central-1 ap-south-1 ap-northeast-1 ap-southeast-1 us-east-1]

The tmas tools supports three scan variants:

  • malware, -M Perform a malware scan on an image artifact
  • secrets, -S Perform a secrets scan on an artifact
  • vulnerabilities, -V Perform a vulnerability scan on an artifact

You can either choose an individual scan type or combine multiple via flags.

To easily scan an image for vulnerabililies run

# Service region us-east-1
tmas scan vulnerabilities docker:nginx:latest
# short
tmas scan -V docker:nginx:latest

# Service region eu-central-1
tmas scan vulnerabilities docker:nginx:latest --region eu-central-1

Scanning an image for vulnerabilities and malware simultaneously is as easy as above

tmas scan -VM docker:mawinkler/evil2:latest

At the time of writing, the second scan should find 137 vulnerabilities and one malware:

  "vulnerabilities": {
    "totalVulnCount": 137,
    "criticalCount": 0,
    "highCount": 4,
    "mediumCount": 65,
    "lowCount": 61,
    "negligibleCount": 7,
    "unknownCount": 0,
    "overriddenCount": 0,
    "findings": { 
  "malware": {
    "scanResult": 1,
    "findings": [
        "layerDigest": "sha256:d5fafe98396dfece28a75fc06ef876bf2e9014d62d908f8296a925bab92ab4b9",
        "layerDiffID": "sha256:d5fafe98396dfece28a75fc06ef876bf2e9014d62d908f8296a925bab92ab4b9",
        "fileName": "",
        "fileSize": 308,
        "fileSHA256": "sha256:e1105070ba828007508566e28a2b8d4c65d192e9eaf3b7868382b7cae747b397",
        "foundMalwares": [
            "fileName": "__Zoq9GPNzgoaVyXYSKgniGj__",
            "malwareName": "OSX_EICAR.PFH"
    "scanID": "53e856d2-6385-46f7-b661-21d01b3604a2",
    "scannerVersion": "1.0.0-66"

Another malware example might be this:

tmas scan malware

Scanning for secrets is very similar:

tmas scan secrets registry:trufflesecurity/secrets

Combining the scan variants is also possible:

tmas scan -VMS registry:trufflesecurity/secrets

🎉 Success 🎉