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Scenario: Runtime Vulnerability Scanning on Fargate


  • Playground One EKS Fargate Cluster
  • Vision One Container Security
  • Playground One Scenarios
    • Running app: Nginx

Ensure to have the EKS Fargate Cluster up and running:

pgo --apply eks-fg
pgo --apply scenarios-fg


Note: It is highly recommended to have the awsone.access_ip set to a single IP or at least a small CIDR before deploying the EKS cluster. This will prevent anonymous users playing with your environmnent. Remember: we're using vulnerable apps.


This scenario showcases the vulnerability detection functionalities of Vision One Container Security at runtime for EKS with Fargate profiles.

By the end of the scenario, you will understand and learn the following:

  • Reviewing vulnerability findings and searching for a specific vulnerability

The story

Here we're checking for the CVE-2021-3711 in OpenSSL with a criticality of 9.8 (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).

You want to search this specific vulnerability in your production environment.


The goal of this scenario is to identify the vulnerable deployment and proof that it is vulnerable.


Click here ✨ Didn't find the vulnerable deployment?

Head over to Container Security --> Runtime vulnerability and search for CVE-2017-5638. 🙌

Solution & Walkthrough

Click here Head over to Attack Surface Risk Managemet and search for the vulnerability CVE-2021-3711 Identify the vulnerable deployment/container. Find out the node(s) running the pod(s).
kubectl get pods -A -o wide
You'll see that the deployment is running within the `default` namespace. The name(s) of the worker nodes start with `fargate-ip-...` which indicate that these nodes are AWS managed Fargate nodes. Checking the services
kubectl get services
tells us
NAME            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
nginx-service   NodePort   <none>        80:32443/TCP   26m
🎉 Success 🎉