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Scenario: File Malware Scanning


  • Vision One Cloud Security File Scanner API-Key with the following permissions:
    • Cloud Security Operations
      • File Security
        • Run file scan via SDK

Ensure to have the latest tmfs deployed:


Scan Images

First, set the Artifact Scanner API-Key as an environment variable:


Note: tmfs defaults to the Vision One service region us-east-1. If your Vision One is serviced from any other region you need to add the --region flag to the scan request.

Valid regions: [ap-southeast-2 eu-central-1 ap-south-1 ap-northeast-1 ap-southeast-1 us-east-1]

To easily scan an image for vulnerabililies run

# Service region us-east-1, scan directory
tmfs scan dir:path/to/yourproject

# Service region us-east-1, scan single file
tmfs scan file:path/to/yourproject/file

# Service region eu-central-1, scan single file
tmfs scan file:path/to/yourproject/file --region eu-central-1

Example output for tmfs scan file:./ | jq .:

  "scannerVersion": "1.0.0-631",
  "schemaVersion": "1.0.0",
  "scanResult": 1,
  "scanId": "72c04b72-0e5b-45b4-a460-6c4346beec5e",
  "scanTimestamp": "2023-12-20T11:44:30.526Z",
  "fileName": "./",
  "foundMalwares": [
      "fileName": "./",
      "malwareName": "OSX_EICAR.PFH"
  "fileSHA1": "d27265074c9eac2e2122ed69294dbc4d7cce9141",
  "fileSHA256": "2546dcffc5ad854d4ddc64fbf056871cd5a00f2471cb7a5bfd4ac23b6e9eedad"

🎉 Success 🎉