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Scenario: S3 Bucket Malware Scanning with Sandbox


  • Vision One Cloud Security File Scanner API-Key with the following permissions:
    • Platform Capabilities
      • Threat Intelligence
        • Sandbox Analysis
          • View, filter, and search
          • Submit object
  • If using the Sandbox, ensure to have credits assigned.
  • Know your Vision One region.

PGO S3 Scanning

This scenario uses Playground Ones own S3 Bucket Scanner which is not the official solution component of Vision One. It uses the File Security Python SDK and/or Vision One API within a Lambda Function. Scan results will show up on the Vision One console.

Verify, that you have enabled the Bucket Scanner with Sandbox in your configuration.

pgo --config
Section: Vision One
Please set/update your Vision One configuration
Enable Bucket Scanner with File Security? [false]: 
Enable Bucket Scanner with Sandbox? [true]: 


The scanner consists out of the following components:

  • A Lambda function triggered by s3:ObjectCreated events. It uses the RESTful API for Sandbox submission.
  • The function uses a custom layer containing the required dependencies including the File Security Python SDK.
  • An S3 Bucket with the permission to notify the Lambda.
  • An IAM Role and Policy.
  • The scanned files are tagged

Note: The Lambda does use Python 3.11

The Function Code

You can review the full function code here.


Assuming you have set your Vision One API Key and Vision One region with the help of the config tool simply run

pgo --apply bucketscanner

The following outputs are created:


aws_lambda_function_name = "pgo-id-bucket-scanner-2kn1vopd"
aws_lambda_layer_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:634503960501:layer:pgo-id-filesecurity-layer-2kn1vopd:1"
aws_s3_bucket_name = "pgo-id-scanning-bucket-2kn1vopd"

Feel free to review the Lambda function in the AWS console.

Run Scans

Either head over to the S3 bucket via the console to upload files or use the AWS cli.

Download the and upload it to the scanning bucket.

Warning: Do not download malicious files on computers with a running anti malware engine!

# Set your bucket name from the outputs

aws s3 cp s3://${SCANNING_BUCKET}/

Example Tags with Sandbox

Malware Key Value
Loki sandbox-detection-names TSPY_HPLOKI.SMBD
sandbox-risk-level high
sandbox-analysis-completed 12/09/2024 15:11:02
sandbox-threat-type Dropper Trojan Backdoor

Check on Vision One

For the Sandbox analysis check Threat Intelligence --> Sandbox Analysis.

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Check on AWS

You can also check the CloudWatch logs of the function.

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And lastly, the tags of the S3 Object(s).

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🎉 Success 🎉